In response to "Put Christ in Christmas" by Milton Jones, I would like to ask Mr.Jones for some historical evidence of Jesus outside the Bible and its derivative works. There simply is no such evidence. Jesus is a fictional character that originated in one book. Period.

If you are to believe in the Immaculate Conception ruling and that the average age for young ladies to have sex back then was 14, then the story is that Mary was either raped or some magical jizz was surgically inserted in her fallopian tubes and the magical jizz mixed with Mary's DNA and produced Jesus, the son of God (third head of the Trinity). This 14 year delay indicates non-consensual premeditated rape.

It's interesting to note that human DNA and divine (magical) DNA makes for a divine child. We do not know if the divine child attempted to reproduce. If not, Jesus died a virgin at 33.

God's omniscience and Jesus's subsequent cruxcifiction indicates that Jesus knew he was on a suicide mission. Jesus did clearly state that he would come back but in a mere fifteen years, in 2033 he will be 2,000 years late. Clearly he is mything in action.

The good news is that when if you are a catholic and you accept the Eucharist, you eat a bit of Jesus's flesh and Jesus blood (transubstantiation) and this divine food/drink comes out in your poop. Apparently, Framingham sewers contain divine DNA. I did not know that.

Letter: Put Christ in Christmas December 22, 2018
Milton Jones Metrowest Daily News
The Dec. 18 editorial - "Are Christmas cards a thing of the past?" - brings attention to the lack of understanding of the reason for the season.

Christmas Day commemorates the birthday of Jesus who was born to give "Himself a ransom for all." He was given the name Jesus "for He will save His people from their sins." Christmas cards are not the only way to express this "good news of great joy" intended for all people by His birth. But the reality is an increasingly larger number of people do not know, and even may not care to know, the relevance of Christ in their lives or in Christmas.

These are His words: "He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him - the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day."

Milton Jones


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