The vast majority of human primates are arrogant, pompous idiots with an overrated sense of self importance. Even though they have no control of death, they are very afraid of death. Religion is the mental virus that allows them to believe that they will have life after death. Ever since they invented immortality for themselves, there is not a single case of a human being living more than 150 years.

Life after death is one of the two cornerstones or pillars of religion. The other is that we are created by God. Religion provides the believer with false hope that there lies life after death, but no proof is provided on this false assertion.

Mortality is what makes life worth living. The sense of impending doom makes us what we are and gives meaning to our existence. Religion is essentially an immature wish-fulfillment, a denial of our mortality, an abrogation of our human responsibilities, A religious zealot might ask "What is the meaning of life if you are an atheist?" On the other hand, an atheist might ask of a religious zealot "What is the meaning of life if death marks the begining of eternity?"

A typical male orgasm might generate between 200-500 million sperms and only one survives if pregnancy occurs.

We are going to die. And that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place, but who will in fact never see the light of day, outnumber the sand grains of the Sahara. Certainly, those unborn ghosts include poets greater than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA, so massively outnumbers the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds, it is you and I, in our ordinariness that are here. We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state, from which the vast majorities have never stirred.

Richard Dawkins

If you are a true believer and someone close to you dies, why should you mourn their death if you believe that they have gone to a better place like Heaven.

I have told my surviving siblings that I prefer a cremation and they can do whatever they want with my ashes, including using me one last time to get their car out of a snow bank. Once dead, my body can also be used as protein for animals and I do not object to being left in a field to be eaten by whatever wants to eat me. If someone wants to make Soylent Green out of me, I do not object.

When I die, my atoms will go to a better place where I will not have to worry about hunger, thirst, money, inclement weather and having to deal with religious idiots. I will be dead. Period. Of course, the concept of I is obliterated.

I have a strong belief that the same would happen for all age groups if hopeless/helpless people were given the option to gracefully exit, and those that remain would be people who truly see value in living, and ultimately share that value with others.

It needs to be for mental illness too. You are born without your consent and should have the right to die at any time for any reason.

I prefer the term end of life assisted dying, or dying with dignity. It more accurately conveys the reason for it. Assisted suicide always sounds like being an accomplice to a person jumping off a building or something.

Putting a pet down when they are suffering is considered the humane thing to do, however humans don’t even have this right

My body, my life, my business, keep the fuck out of my business or be collateral damage when I decide to go.

You self-righteous, superstitious, controlling, Neanderthals choose to deny me the same death with dignity at the end of my life. You force me to live and die by your theocratic beliefs which I do not share. I don’t believe in immaculate conceptions, resurrections, the walking dead, angels, devils, zombies, burning bushes, god(s), miracles, heaven or hell, or talking snakes. With beliefs like these no wonder you can totally deny science and doom your grandchildren to a rapidly unlivable planet.

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