It is customary to perform the kaparot (symbolic "atonement") rite in preparation for Yom Kippur.

The rite consists of taking a chicken and waving it over one's head three times while reciting the appropriate text. The fowl is then slaughtered in accordance with halachic procedure and its monetary worth given to the poor, or, as is more popular today, the chicken itself is donated to a charitable cause.

Kaparot can be done any time during the Ten Days of Repentance (i.e. between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur), but the ideal time is on the day preceding Yom Kippur during the early pre-dawn hours, for a "thread of Divine kindness" prevails during those hours.

The Jewish mainstream media and all its multi-taloned tentacles would have a field day with it. It would be used as 'evidence' that DEM MOOZLUMS were backwards, practiced a bloody, ritualistic religion full of eccentricities, would be used as prime efface evidence as to why they cannot be allowed to hold positions of power and influence and then would be poured like gasoline on an already out of control fire in fueling the war against Islam.

And yet, these mentally-deranged people engage in this business, year after year, and not an eyebrow is raised over such behavior. They own our money, our government, our media, the minds of our people, and they are beloved and worshiped, in large part due to what can be accurately termed the 'Seinfeldization' of America.

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