Jews, Christians and Muslims consider the Torah, the Bible and the Quran
to be the inerrant word of
Yahweh, God or
Bear in mind that neither Moses, Jesus or Mohammad or Joseph Smith
knew how to write, but they had scribes write down their recollections of
what God or Allah said. God always chooses illiterate messengers.
The timespan between when they were told (the revelations) and when they had
someone write down their (perhaps flawed) memories is unknown.
- Imaginary friend (God)
- Imaginary enemy (Satan)
- Magical flying bird people (angels)
- Creation of Heavens and Earth
(sun, earth, moon, and untold trillions of stars) in six days
- Animals/plants created from nothing.
- Man created from dust by the breath of god
(Judaism, Christianity)
Why would god create Adam with two useless
nipples and a belly button?
- Man created from a clot of blood (Islam)
Whose blood?
- Woman created from man's rib with God's breath
- The Garden of Eden with
magical trees Non-reproducing,
non-seeding tree of Life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Talking serpent (who thwarts omniscient God's plan)
(Satan?). How come we no longer have talking serpents?
- Loss of immortality (Garden of Eden scene)
- The lord becomes a tailor and makes clothing for Adam and Eve
because they felt shame after nibbling on the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:21)
- Adam and Eve are banned from the Garden of Eden
and kept out by an angel with a
flaming sword. Why do angels need flaming swords? (Genesis 3:24)
- Lions, tigers, dinosaurs were all vegetarians at one time, before
the fall (Genesis 1)
- The
(sons of God) took daughters of man as their wives.
(Genesis 6:1:4).
Yeah! They were all killed in the flood
which strangely enough starts at Genesis 6:5.
Two organisms are in the same species if they can mate and produce
a fertile offspring.
Later in the story (biblical narrative),
Jesus becomes the only begotten son of god?
(see Nephilim)
- Noah's Ark and the Flood
Noah, a 500 year old man and his three 100+ year old sons, with no
modern tools or electricity, built the largest wooden ship
ever (Genesis 6-9) at the time.
Animals from all over the earth including sloths, kangaroos, ant eaters,
penguins and polar bears trekked to the middle east to climb onto Noah's
boat (Genesis 6-9)
Only two ants were provided
to feed the anteaters.
- Men living for 900 plus years? Have you ever looked at 100 year old
people? Who was keeping track of their age? Birth/death records?
- A woman turning into a pillar of salt
(Lot's wife).
- It's OK to rape your father while he's asleep (Genesis 19:30-38)
- Burning shrubbery (bush)
that talks to Moses and gives him two (maybe three)
stone tablets of morality.
- The Exodus from Egypt
(no evidence at all)
Come, let us celebrate the
genocide of Egyptian first borns.
Tell the Egyptians that your god has a bigger dick than their god.
- Moses parting the Red Sea (Exodus 14:6)
- Moses stick/staff turning into a snake
- Moses stick/staff/snake extracting water from rocks
- The lord makes bread fall from the sky
(Exodus 16:4)
- Snakes, a burning bush, an ass, a cloud, trees and vines
all talk in the inerrant Holy Scriptures.
- Muhammad suggests that we use camel urine for its curative powers.
- The Earth is flat: (Revel 7:1)
- Two she bears commanded by Jehovah to kill 42 children (2 Kings 2:24).
Those kids were dumber than shit and waited their turn to be killed and
did not run away.
- The earth stopped its rotation and the moon stopped orbiting the
earth and then restarted after Joshua's battle (Joshua 10) but
no one fell off the earth.
- The moon splits in two (Islam: Surah 54:1).
- Circumcision so YAHWEH can
identify you. This method of Identification was not used in
- A
young smoking hot 14 year old virgin
gets fucked by god and Mary gives birth to
God's son.
It's important to understand that God fucked his own mother to
give birth to himself.
Alien inseminations should have different DNA.
Two organisms are in the same species if they can mate and produce
a fertile offspring.
The bible says nothing about Jesus having sex but being surrounded
by 12 male apostles might raise an eyebrow, not to mention a reference
to a scantily clad teenage boy.
God cannot possibly look like us unless he himself evolved on Earth.
This violates Genesis 1:1.
- Jesus walking on water
- Jesus making water into wine (without fusion).
Making carbon dioxide requires fusion (tens of million degrees).
This sudden temperature increase required creates a one megaton
thermonuclear explosion and all of
its insidious results.
- Jesus eats nothing for forty days while tempted by the devil (Luke 4:2)
and he suffered no weight loss.
- The stars will fall back onto the earth
when Jesus returns. It's going to get roasty toasty.
Billions of galaxies
, and their stars will
fall back to earth
- Resurrection from the dead (Jesus) and enters
Resurrection was the key to the growth of Christianity.
It's funny how it's only allegedly happened once in 2,000 years.
- The Assumption:
Mary, mother of God goes to Heaven
- The sun went dark for 3 hours (Matthew 27) Keep in mind the longest
solar eclipse is 7 minutes and that just darkens a relatively small
spot on the earth.
- Zombie apocalypse (dead people come out of their tombs) (Matthew 27:52-53)
when Jesus supposedly died on the cross.
Eating the flesh of Jesus and drinking his blood
will save you. Even if the Jesus cracker/wafer might be part of his
testicles, penis or asshole.
- The ascension of Jesus Christ (Mark 16:19) - note Right Hand of God.
The mexican midgets sit on the left side.
- Jonah lives inside a large fish for three days
(Jonah 1:17)
- Fire and brimstone and torture for eternity
(Hell) and Eternal punishment begins after death.
Brought to you by Jesus, who loves you unconditionally (unless you're gay)!.
- Eternal bliss (Heaven or Jannah)
What does one do when you are trapped in eternal bliss.
Is Eternal Bliss like having a continuous orgasm? Not just for three seconds.
- The existence of souls in each of us.
- The stain of original sin
we all carry with us
(not seen in DNA).
Only Mary, mother of god
suffered the Immaculate Conception to rid her of original sin.
Original sin is the basis of Christianity.
- Prayers can move mountains? (Matthew 17:20)
Can you please show us water flowing uphill. Can prayer get a serpent
to talk?
Communications across an
interdimensional void to address god.
- Fish with money in their mouth (Matthew 17:27)
- Why we speak so many different languages
(Tower of Babel, Genesis 11)
- Why animals have different skin patterns (Genesis 30:37-39)
- A three-headed god with
Multiple Personality Syndrone
- Healing the sick,
drinking poison will not harm...
(Mark 16:17-18)
- Demon pigs drown themselves (Mark 5:13)
Unicorns (Numbers 23:22, Job 39:9, Isaiah 34:7)
- The Lord wanted 32 virgins
(sex was not specified) (Numbers 31:15-41)
- Cockatrices, flying fire breathing roosters (Isaiah 14:29)
Dragons (Book of Job 41-9)
- Talking ass
:(Numbers 22:28) And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass
What happened to the lineage of talking donkeys?
- The all powerful Lord was
unable to stop iron chariots (Judges 1:19)
I suspect that an F-35 with B-61 nukes
would incinerate the lord.
- A man killed 1000 men single-handedly with the jawbone of an ass (Judges 15)
- People have great strength because of their hair (Samson) (Judges 16)
- God commands your slaves
to obey you (Colossians 3:22)
- It's OK to toss your kids over a cliff onto rocks below (Psalm 137:9)
- A Divine Plan
- Divine Protection
- Elijah goes to Heaven.
In a chariot of fire and horses (2 Kings 2-11).
- Flying horses (Islam)
- The Pope is a direct emissary of God
(Catholicism). Sort of like the Nephilim.
- The value of Pi is 3. (1 Kings 7:23)
- Collecting 200 foreskins
as a trophy (dowry) (1 Samuel 18:27).
- Dinosaurs and man lived together (The Flintstones are a documentary)