The Tower of Babel story (Genesis 11) is one of the dumbest stories in the bible. After the great flood, humans had developed one language and were intent on building a tower that would reach the heavens. God became angry and scattered the tower developers all over the planet and changed their language so that they could not communicate effectively.

This kind of shows that God may have been overthrown in Heaven in some other place and time. God is showing fear of humanity. Do souls have free will in Heaven.

Apparently, it was made from bricks and tar. I am not a structural engineer, but I suspect that it would be awfully difficult to build more than four to five story buildings from bricks only.

The story explains to morons how so many languages came to be on this planet. It's amazing that the vast majority of idiots buy into a story like this.

It's another story of a petty vindictive mean, malicious, malevolent, and genocidal maniac god who does not want his minions to thrive and grow, a petty god who wants to retard mankind.

Any building in New York city over 10 stories is taller than anything they could have built back then.

Now, we have the International Space Station (ISS) in orbit at 230 miles and we still do not see Heaven. We have been to the moon, Mars and other planets and still don't see Heaven. We do observe hellish conditions in space.

The only thing we get from this story are a bunch of BABELing religious idiots.

At least, I now truly understand the name babelfish in Doug Adams book, The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy.

A vengeful angry god makes it difficult for his various ant colonies to understand each other, and this is why the revelations of the New Testament was not spread.

God just had to create new languages to keep people from uniting against him.

Imagine this allegedly omnipotent snowflake (candy) ass creature that is terrified of his little creations.

We have a little wussy god who is terrified of his ant colony.

Now in 2018, we have applications on our phones that do instant translations of documents and human speech. In essence, we are once again thumbing our noses at our silly little god and saying Fuck you! God

We are on the verge of building half-mile tall buildings.

We do not see your stinking god coming down from his invisible perch.

The great global flood took place in the autumn of 2370 BCE.

The building of the tower of Babel took place between 2269 to 2030. BCE

So there were approximately 100 to 340 years from the global flood to the tower of Babel. One estimate is about 180 years, nearly two centuries. During this time it was being built, later mankind's original language became confused into several to many different languages and the building of the tower stopped.

It was after Noah and before Abraham. Abraham was born 1948 years from creation. The flood occured 1656 years from creation. So that means 100 to 300 yrs after the flood

THE TOWER OF BABEL (and why it's silly)

The Tower of Babel was allegedly conceived by Nimrod, great-grandson of Noah, about 100 years after the Flood. I ran a few numbers, and given some VERY liberal assumptions, the three sons of Noah and their wives could theoretically have produced about 24,000 offspring in 100 years. This is an absolute best-case scenario in which every couple produces ten children (except Noah and his wife, as the Bible firmly establishes that they had only three kids) and no one dies over five generations. Nimrod was the third generation after Noah, but I don't think the Bible says that his was the youngest generation at the time.

Now, of those 24,000, we can safely assume that half were women and by the standards of the time would likely not have been allowed to work on the tower (besides, if they each had ten kids, they were probably pretty busy with that). Also, I think it's reasonable to say that only half of the total male population could devote full-time labor to the Tower; they had to eat, after all, and there would be more practical things to build for a population which increased by a factor of 3,000 over a hundred years.

So, that gives us 6,000 laborers to build a stone tower which reaches Heaven.

The tallest structure in the ancient world was the Great Pyramid at Giza, at 481 feet (it has since eroded to 456 feet). It wouldn't be surpassed for almost four thousand years after its construction, when the Lincoln Cathedral was built - even the Romans never built anything taller. Since God clearly didn't halt construction on the Great Pyramid, we must assume that the Tower of Babel was taller than that when He put a stop to it. We could assume that the Tower of Babel had to be taller than the Burj Khalifa, since God didn't stop construction on that either, but let's be generous.

The Great Pyramid also represented the pinnacle of stone engineering at the time. Things like arches, concrete, and flying buttresses, which would have allowed for taller and slimmer buildings, would not be developed for thousands of years. Furthermore, the tower builders certainly did not have access to cranes or other lifting equipment; the best they could hope for in terms of mechanical help were simple levering devices, basic wheels or rollers, and the power of domesticated animals (of which there would also be very few, because they were all repopulating from a single mating pair rather than three).

Our best estimates say that the Great Pyramid was built over a period of about 15-20 years, using about 2.3 million limestone blocks, and a labor force of 200,000, many of whom were skilled workers rather than simple laborers (and if those numbers are off, it can't be by much; there's only so many ways you can move that much stone with the technology available at the time). The Babel builders were faced the task of creating an even larger structure with about 3% of that number of people, and it is doubtful (to say the least) they had the same engineering skills as the ancient Egyptians at the peak of their civilization.

After examining all these facts and this line of reasoning, the only possible conclusion is this: The story of the Tower of Babel is utterly ludicrous. It absolutely could not have happened as the Bible says. And unlike many other Bible stories, one cannot use the get-out-of-jail-free card of Divine Influence, because God opposed the Tower and certainly would not have helped to build it.

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