Kosher food rules are bonkers

My sister recently started claiming she's Jewish because she hangs out with some women at a Temple once a month, so I decided to look into the rules regarding kosher food and they are insane. (I'm not going to challenge her on it like a douche, she'll get bored of it soon enough)


Utensils (pots, pans, plates, flatware, etc., etc.) must also be kosher. A utensil picks up the kosher "status" (meat, dairy, pareve, or treif) of the food that is cooked in it or eaten off of it, and transmits that status back to the next food that is cooked in it or eaten off of it. Thus, if you cook chicken soup in a saucepan, the pan becomes meat. If you thereafter use the same saucepan to heat up some warm milk, the fleishik status of the pan is transmitted to the milk, and the milchik status of the milk is transmitted to the pan, making both the pan and the milk a forbidden mixture.

They literally believe that physical objects have a memory as to whether meat or dairy touched them? I'm sure this isn't even the most insane thing they believe in. I've heard of people using tools to press elevator buttons for them to avoid "working" on the sabbath.

This almost looks like a they were learning about substances (including germs) touching each other. This was microbiology as it stood 3,500 years ago.

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