I am an ex muslim. Here are some of the things you can and cannot do in Islam

In Islam

you cannot have a pet dog (you cannot bring a dog inside your home as the angels of mercy do not enter a home where a dog resides and good deeds are deducted from your daily prayers, there also many authentic/sahih hadiths where Prophet Muhammad ordered all the dogs in Medina to be killed, he frequently expressed his desire to exterminate dogs though he decided against it, and called black dogs the devil and ordered them to be killed)

You cannot draw or paint living beings, so no paintings of humans or animals are allowed (thats why calligraphy is a big thing in Islam)

Most music is haram and not allowed

You cannot adopt orphans (legal adoption is not allowed in Islam, in the Islamic world, usually only relatives of the orphan take them in, fostering a non related orphan is almost nonexistent due to Islam's harmful adoption rules, legally declaring that you are the father/mother of someone is who is not your biological child is forbidden in Islam)

You cannot be friends with the opposite gender because they are non mahram, you cannot be alone with them nor you can have any psychical contact with them (such as hugging, shaking hands etc). Btw the same goes for your cousins if they are the opposite gender to you, because cousin marriage is quite common in the Islamic world (and Prophet Muhammad married his cousin and had his daughters married to his cousins) so modesty must be enforced with your cousins as they are your potential suitors

Women are expected to always wear modest clothes and hijab around non mahram men (so any non related man who isnt their dad, uncle, grandfather though cousins are non mahram)

You cannot inherit the same as your brothers in Islam (women inherit half of what their brothers do in Islam, not only that but you can only give inheritance to your grandson's children, not your granddaughter's children, and only your nephews can receive inheritance as long as they are from your brother and not your sister)

You cannot choose how or to whom you want to allocate your inheritance after you die

You cannot bring your rapist to justice if you do not have 4 male witnesses or 8 female witnesses (though Im not sure how every Islamic country in this day and age prove rape, this is the case in many Muslim countries, though probably not all of them)

You cannot be in a same gender relationship in Islam (homosexuality gets you the death penalty in Islam)

As a woman, you cannot refuse sex with your husband and there are sahih/authentic hadiths that state that a woman who refuses sex with her husband will be cursed by angels throughout the night

You can however

Marry a child

Marry your cousin

Have slaves, sex slaves, concubines (Prophet Muhammad had all 3)

Take women and children as booty and slaves when you invade non muslim tribes

Beat your wife if she is disobedient (though the Quran does recommend light beatings) and your children if they are apathetic towards their Islamic duties of praying and whatnot

Some idiot christians when they found out I was ex muslim used this opportunity to try to convert me into their religion. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are some of the worst crimes against humanity. Homophobic, misogynistic and anti human rights.

Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com