The Judeo-Christian religion is based on inbreeding. The Adam and Eve story and Noah's Ark

According to the Hebrew calendar, it is the year 5,784 or 2023 AD and we now have the most inbred family in these here United States

It is the Talmud......
A marriage between a Jew and a non-Jew is both prohibited and also does not constitute a marriage under Jewish law. Furthermore, be it understood that a Jewish man has no recognized paternal or parental relation to any offspring resulting from a relationship with a gentile woman.
This might create a bunch of nitwits, halfwits and dimwits, Downies.
This creates an artificial barrier in the species.

It seems to create problems in consanguineous marriages
(nothing spells loving like marrying your cousin) in the jewish community.

A complete and comprehensive DNA database would show us precisely who is related to who.

Among those people whose parents were related, the researchers picked out typical signs of human inbreeding, such as a few common health issues. Inbred children commonly displayed decreased cognitive abilities and muscular function, reduced height and lung function, and are at greater risk from diseases in general, they found. The inbred children are also at higher risk of rare recessive genetic disorders, though the researchers didn’t include any data on those.

The researchers found that inbreeding in humans causes physical and mental problems, though the severity of those effects was somewhat limited.

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