Why does it seem like Abrahamic religions are so much more depraved than others?

As an Anti-Theist I believe all religions are shit. But it seems like Abrahamic faiths are the worst. They are rife with rape, murder, pedophilia, slavery, torture, forced conversion, etc etc. Why do you think this is? Maybe there was something about the Middle Eastern culture at that time in history which caused this? For example, history tells us that gay people used to be accepted in the Middle East, which changed after the rise of Islam & Christianity. So was it some societal reason? Were Abrahamic faiths just birthed during a fucked up time in history?

Consider this... if the Abrahamic religions were "Do no harm. Live in peace!" ... they would NOT be present THOUSANDS of years later. They are only present 1000s of years later due to their violence against nonbelievers (gaining land via holy wars), rape of nonbelievers to spawn babies that can be brainwashed, support of slavery, and other similar acts. All these practices (rape, war, slavery, brainwashing of progeny, probably more i havent listed) propagate the cult. In other words if they were nice religions they would not be nearly as prolific

I think this is a really big part of it. Conquest by the sword, oppression and murder of unbelievers, and the suppression of alternative thought. These are unrepentantly aggressive and supremacist religions. It's no accident that Christianity and Islam are the two biggest religions on the planet.
Both are proud to be genocidal ideologies . The unbelievers must die!

All monotheistic religions have a genocidal ideology by design.

The Governor's Council seems to be a big supporter of The Holy Inquisition .

Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong.

Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com