To be a Christian, one must absolutely believe in the
Adam and Eve story when
they encountered Talking Snake
next to the
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
To deny this story obliviates Original Sin
and the entire purpose of Jesus Christ.
Bye! Bye! Christianity! Christians are unknowingly the largest single Jewish sect. They do not see themselves as Jewish, but Matthew 5-17,18 says they are. Jesus merely says that they must abide by Mosaic law. How Jewish can one be?
The essence of Christianity:
Christianity in a nut shell:
This is just a friendly reminder that Christianity is the only religion in the world that says being a good person doesn't matter. You can rape, murder, slice, dice, eat people as much as you want, but as long as you believe and have faith, you're guaranteed eternal life. As long as you believe in a magical Jewish zombie named Jesus, drink his blood and eat his flesh and call him "master," you can rape and murder as much as you want. Being a good person means absolutely nothing because, in the Christian religion, morality is irrelevant. This also means that in the Christian afterlife, people aren't judged "fairly," as in other religions, but solely based on whether they had the "right" beliefs or not and how much faith they had in those beliefs. A good atheist who rejected Christianity on rational grounds will be consigned to the flames of hell, while history's worst mass murderers sing praises to zombie Jesus in heaven. Christianity is absolute madness.
Top 10 signs you're a fundamentalist Christian
Is Christianity a cult?
I think it is because of these reasons. I listed a source and added connections in parentheses. The article mentions these traits in reference to Trumpism but I think they apply to Christianity itself too
Christians claim America's social safety net must be dismantled because government is less effective than personal charity at helping the poor. Yet the American government alone has lifted more people out of poverty over the last 5 decades than the Christian Churches have over the past 5 centuries. Christians claim America's social safety net must be dismantled because government is less effective than personal charity at helping the poor. Yet the American government alone has lifted more people out of poverty over the last 5 decades than the Christian Churches have over the past 5 centuries. Conservative Christians claim the social safety net is unnecessary because personal charity is more effective at helping the poor. They point to the supposed fact that Christians donate to personal charities more than liberals, but conveniently forget that most of these charitable donations are to their churches and through tithing. Very little of it actually goes toward helping those most in need. Further, if Christian charitable donation were so effective, there wouldn't have been a need for LBJ's Great Society programs of the 1960s i.e. Medicare, Medicaid, the War on Poverty etc. Yet these programs exist, showing how ineffective Christian charity really was. Christians argue government shouldn't maintain the social safety net because governments are inherently corrupt. Yet government policy is a reflection of the morality of the citizens who choose to help their fellow man by voting for politicians that support social welfare policies and paying their taxes to governments that implement these policies. Christians reject the social safety net because they say they want smaller government, but what they really want is more government to enforce their own beliefs on others, such as banning abortion and reintroducing mandatory prayer in educational institutions. Christians believe the poor should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, without any aid whatsoever or with the help of what little is provided by their churches. This callous attitude shows that the essence of Christianity is selfishness and cruelty toward others. Helping other people through the social safety net lifts all of us and makes us richer as a society. Giving people more access to educational and job opportunities, as well as access to healthcare actually contributes to the economy, but Christian stinginess does nothing.
Christianity is a militant, authoritarian and narcissistic cult bent on controlling the government and imposing unwanted religious views on fellow citizens. Far from being "meek and mild," Christians are bullies, liars, abusers, thieves and racists. People need to wake up before it's too late! The Christian churches only spread anger, hate, fear and divisiveness, just as they always have, but this time they have the technology and political influence to publicize their beliefs and make their presence felt. Fortunately Christianity is on the decline in America, with fewer and fewer people going to church with every passing year, but it's not enough. Militant Christians occupy far too many positions of power in America, particularly in Congress and on the Supreme Court. Much work remains to be done. We won't be finished until we have tossed Christianity into the dustbin of history and strengthened our bonds of social cohesion to such an extent it never rears its ugly head again in our society. Once we get enough people to realize how destructive and violent Christianity is, we'll be able to drive these Christian bigots out of power and put an end to Christianity, not only in America, but in all western societies. Hopefully this will be accomplished within our own lifetimes or that of our children. Christian nationalism in the US a belief that God has destined America, like the biblical Israel, for a special role in history, and that it will receive divine blessing or judgment depending on its obedience. |
Christianity in a nutshell
This is a 10 step guide to understanding Christianity:
Fear The Christians
Why were we taught
Why were we taught
Why were we taught
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