- A jew is someone who makes an extraordinary claim that a mean,
vicious, malevolent god exists that created the heavens and the earth,
but has failed to provide any extraordinary evidence to
substantiate that claim. In fact, not a shred of evidence has
been presented in 4,000 years.
- A jew is scientifically illiterate and an
extraordinary idiot.
It's like they make an extraordinary effort to stay on the
left side of the intellectual Bell curve.
- A jew is an individual who chooses to practice the
religion of
As a jew, you have some
really interesting beliefs.
- If you do not choose to practice the religion of
Judaism, you are not a jew.
- The first step a primate (or any derivative thereof) must take
is to firmly believe in
Genesis 1:1
Now you have broken away from the normal primate/human
herd and become a jew.
You now enter the
Looney Tunes Land
entertainment center in that dark corner
of the Twilight Zone.
- Being a jew constitutes advanced and deliberate stupidity in the form of
willful ignorance and unjustifiable intransigence
It is an
intellectual disability like Down's Syndrone
A man who believes in a god
and refuses to think about evolution
is no better than a man who cannot think or one that is dead..
If after watching/reading
The Pale Blue Dot,
you still feel that you have a privileged position in the
universe (you have a relationship with the creator of the universe)
then you have willingly become a Hindenberg moron.
You can now work your way to the prestigious
Dalai Lama Of Morons
In the age of the internet, scientific ignorance is a choice.
The jews are a cult of ignorance with a strain of anti-intellectualism
in the United States.
- Being a jew requires you to ignore large swaths of big science like....
This is equivalent to the
Tree Of Knowledge (big science)
As a general rule, anything that cannot be seen by your eyes is something to do with
that petty and vindictive god creature
I suspect that there are a disproportionate number of jews that claim
the moon landing was a hoax, because you cannot land on the lesser light.
The more you know, the further away you get from god.
The less you know, the closer you get to god.
Your god is a substitute for knowledge.
- Being a jew requires you to completely ignore the
overwhelming lack of evidence of
the Exodus.
Denial of the Exodus obliviates Mr. Moses,
passover, Mt. Sinai,
the burning/talking bush and the
ten commandments.
- The Torah tells them that they are the
chosen people of God
( Deuteronomy 7:6, Deuteronomy 14:2 ). The jews are the Chosenites.
It seems awfully convenient for your god to choose you!
Imagine a first grader coming into class one day and saying
I'm jewish. I'm the greatest person you'll ever know and
the rest of you are worthless pieces of shit.
- Practicing Judaism implies that
- you believe in immutability of the Torah (god's word) and
- you practice the teachings of the Talmud (human interpretation of god's word).
- The Torah should not be considered trailmix. You cannot pick and
choose what you wish to believe in and adhere to. Reform judaism is
a sham. You can't re-write your god's laws.
- One does not become a jew to degrade one's self, but to upgrade
one's self, to believe you are better than the rest and to exercise
an aura of superiority over others.
- The Torah (The Old Testament) includes the story of
A jew is a young earth creationist and
a general idiot.
The calendar at Temple Beth Am says
the Beginning was 5,784 years ago.
It's 2023 and the talking snake lives!
- Believing in Genesis states unequivocally that you do not
believe in evolution.
You deny evolution.
- Evolution is one of the most secure
facts in science, having been verified in the multiple fields of
chemistry, bio-chemstry, biology, micro-biology,
paleontology, plate tectonics, etc.
There is more evidence to support evolution than any other scientific
fact known to man.
If you have evidence to disprove evolution, then write it down, get
it peer-reviewed and collect your Nobel prize.
- Evolution deniers are pathetic
technical and scientific idiots. They are
complete willful morons.
Do they also deny that the earth rotates around the sun, the earth
has four corners, the stars will fall back on earth and that gravity exists?
- If you are jewish but you claim to be an atheist and you accept
evolution as a scientific fact, then
you are neither an atheist or a jew, but there is sufficient
evidence that you are a very confused moron.
- A jew is someone who wishes to kill atheists (Deuteronomy 13:6-11).
The reason they want to kill atheists is that we remind the general
population that jews are complete willful morons.
- A jew is a dumbass who
brutally circumcises his male children
to satisfiy their alleged covenant with the
evil sky fairy.
I consider circumcision to be the supreme sign
of willful ignorance.
- A jew is a member of a remarkably stupid group of people that create
the state of Israel in the middle of 420 million arabs
who practice Islam, a religion that is hostile to Judaism, as is
any religion that is not Judaism.
The jews stupidly believe that what is now Israel contains the
the holiest ground of their big
evil sky creature Yahweh, that
created the heavens and the earth.
- A jew is someone who thinks
King David is a biblical hero, when
it is clear he ruthlessly killed 200 Philistines to collect their
foreskins so he could marry King Saul's daughter.
He is a fictional mass murderer.
- A jew is just another person whose
DNA cannot be distinguished from
any other person's
They are just like
everybody else,
but just more stupid and willfully so.
The trait of
stupidity cannot yet be identified within our DNA
. But if we find it, we will start applying it
to anyone who claims to be a jew.
- Any person who refers to themselves as jewish is by default a
white supremacist jew
. That's right, they don't like them
black niggers. Get 1000 jews together in a room and you can
count the black ones with your thumbs. The black ones are
not just black,
they are truly niggers
Israel is a ever expanding colonial religious state in the sense thats
its borders are never well defined and Israel uses God as their real estate
The Israeli flag has the
Star of David as its symbol.
We must not forget that their biblical hero, David who ruthlessly killed
200 Philistines so he could cut off their foreskins to show
he was on God's side.
The Star of David
is recognized as a strictly religious symbol, much like
Saudi Arabia's flag has the Shahada.
Jews have to be some of the most dumbass motherfuckers around and should.
be fitted for a toe-tag as quickly as possible.
What kind of morons would set up a home surrounded by 420 million
arabs who have a religion that seeks the destruction of Israel?
You would think that these jewish morons would be buying up real estate
in Madagascar and moving over there. Madagascar is kind of french
friendly and the french helped developed the Israeli nuclear
But these jewish morons keep telling us that the grounds of Jerusalem
are the holy grounds....certainly more holy than the grounds
a thousand miles away. This comes from idiots who believe that their
god (Yahweh) created the heavens and the earth, but Jerusalem is more
holy than Madagascar.
In so many articles I read written by jews or just about jews
there are references to jews being a race, an ethnic group, a
minority, something like an Ashkenazi jew or Sephardic jew, or as the
imaginary god in the Torah or Pentateuch (first five books of the bible)
itself calls them his chosen people (Deuteronomy 7:6 , 14:2).
They wish to have solidarity as a group with identifiable traits.
If you believe in Genesis, you are a
young earth creationist and
reject evolution, genetics and DNA.
Meanwhile, Whoopi Goldberg claims
the Holocaust is not about race
and she is correct but she still gets
If the
jews are a race and you cannot distinguish
them from non-jews, how can one discriminate them.
In the Holocaust business, it seems that
anyone with an arm tattoo is a jew and not a member of any other strange group.
Are they saying that if you have a tattoo, you believe in the Torah!
I would assume it means you have a tattoo.
I certainly cannot identify a jew
merely by appearance unless he dresses
for his imaginary god. You know, curly hairs, beard, black hats, etc.
They seem to be at least 99% lily white. They can easily be identified as a
white supremacist group
Examine the images in any jewish school local to you and count the blacks you
see against the whites.
I think that what the jews are telling us white people, is that they are
white zebras with black stripes,
and we, the lowly unworthy scum-like gentile are
black zebras with white stripes.
Here are some synonyms for gentile.
pagan, idolator, idolater, atheist, heathen, infidel, non-Jew, non-Christian,
unbeliever, nonbeliever, non-Muslim, misbeliever, miscreant, giaour,
polytheist, neo-pagan
I have no problems being called a gentile if they don't have any problems
being called
mentally castrated white porch monkeys
Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural
heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language or dialect,
symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine,
dressing style, art or physical appearance. Admittedly, orthodox jews
do dress funny and are sometimes easily identifiable by the clothes they wear.
Like priests and nuns.
Some people erroneously believe that
is a form of racism.
There is no specific gene that can be used to determine a person's race
and there is no way for DNA to show belief in the Torah..
The very term
is a vague coded term but we tend to agree that
it really means anti-jewish. My definition of a jew is someone who
believes in the Torah as the inerrant word of their
malevolent imaginary god Yahweh (who later fathered
his bastard imaginary son Jesus)
and the talking snake.
As an atheist, I am
with every breath that I take because
across the time span of the last 4,000 years,
Judaism has yet to show us
the smallest hint of their malevolent god or
it's bastard son.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
I would even settle for one of these
as secondary evidence.
Any person who thinks that
is bad believes in
Genesis and
creationism and thus
reject evolution and wants
atheists dead (Deuteronomy 13:6-11). Jews are
willfully ignorant and
scientifically illiterate.
The jews would have us believe that
is prejudicial but they
fail to mention that being jewish is artificially created prejudice in itself.
Evolution is one of the most secure facts
in science, having been verified in the multiple fields of
chemistry, bio-chemistry, biology, micro-biology, cellular-biology,
paleontology, plate tectonics, etc.
There is more evidence to support evolution
than any other scientific fact known to man.
seems to be perfectly rational to a militant atheist
like myself. As another imaginary carrot loving rodent once stated....
"What a bunch of maroons."
The vast majority of human DNA (99.9%) is entirely identical between individuals.
An ethnic group might be defined as a group located in any
specific geographical area that has interbred with others around them
over an extended period of time. There is a human tendency to
meld together and develop similar genetic characteristics
. However, this does not involve belief in Genesis 1:1.
If you look at DNA enough, and consider the time frame required by
evolution, you can conclude that every
person who has reproduced and has a fertile offspring
is slowly speciating (becoming a distinct species).
If two organisms mate and produce a fertile offspring, the two organisms
are of the same species (a unit of biodiversity)..
This particular picture might offend
residents, especially them white people, but it is what is slowly happening in
Framingham, MA.
The ultra orthodox religious jews will literally destroy israel
So in Israel there are 1.5 million ultra orthodox jews, they dont work, they
dont teach there kids math and english, and also every familiy has 6-10 kids,
instead of working they are learning their holy books and all of this is
going from the working people taxes, in 10 years from now there will be
x2 x3 of them and they will be the majority of israel population, people
that learn bible instead of working, people that dont go to the army, and
there will be no place to live in because Israel will be so crowded,
religion literally destroys israel